Sunday 19 August 2012


One of the biggest things I'll regret is not trying my best in Yr 11. It started with everyone saying "Oh dw, yr 11 doesn't count". They're right, it doesn't count towards HSC but it still counts. I've realised this a while ago but Yr 12 is our HSC year, which means there's no room for making mistakes there. So instead of starting to really try in year 12, why not start in yr 11? Yr 11 means making mistakes. If you try your best and it doesn't turn out well, then you know what to do to improve. It leaves you time to work on something before the HSC year starts. It's the last term of Yr 11 but it's not too late. I'm going to try my best for the Prelims and if my results aren't what I expected, then at least I know what to do for HSC. 

Saturday 11 August 2012

This weird feeling of emptiness is coming back to me..bad timing. 

Saturday 4 August 2012


You know when you've had something for not even 1 month and you lost it? That's what happened to me this morning. Last night, I noticed my rabbit was acting strange. She wasn't moving anything except her nose, she didn't eat or drink and she didn't respond to sounds and smells. I let her out of her house and she slowly hops out and hurried underneath the back of the table. My dad put her back in the house and she still didn't move or anything. I knew she was sick and always thinking of the worst, I thought she wasn't going to survive after tonight. I told the rest of my family and I sat next to her for an hour, studying for a test I had the next day. Everyone said that she was going to be fine. But for once the worst came. I woke up and went to check up on her and she was lying there. I had found out she passed away last night while I was asleep and everyone else was awake. Heart attack. I was sad but I didn't cry and just went off to tutor. It was only 15 minutes ago when it hit me that that moment last night was the last time I was going to see her and that's when the tears just poured. It's only been 2 weeks but I've gotten attached to her; playing and feeding with her everyday. Every time I think or mention her I get teary (so if you read this, please don't mention it after a while). My dad buried her this morning and I guess that's it. 

Monday 23 July 2012

The best things come unexpected

I really don't know the best way to start this off. I guess I'll just start from the top. As usual, Monday nights are dreadful cos it's the start of the week. I got home from Uplift, watched Masterchef then the Shire. When I entered my sister's (Sandra) room today, I saw a packet of animal food, which I assumed was sheep food. My other sister (Alice) was in Sandra's room, which was weird becos no one stays in Sandra's room for more than 5 minutes. It was also weird  because the heater was on and the room was so damn warm. So I ignored all that and went back to watching TV. My other sister (Wendy) came home and we all gathered around the TV and this is how the conversation went:

Wendy: Are we telling her now?
Sandra: Yeah, okay, ready?
Alice: Don't freak out..but
Wendy: Whatever you do, just remain calm and do not scream or anything
Sandra: Yeah pleaseeee keep calm becos I know you'll freak out.
Me: Don't waste my time, what is it?!
Sandra: There's a rabbit in my room
Alice: She bought it today
Wendy: From the pet store
Me: What?! I don't believe you, your pranks aren't very effective.

So they showed me a picture of a rabbit in Sandra's room on the iPad.

Me: WHAAAAT?! I won't believe it till I see it.
Sandra: Let's go see it then.

One by one, we raced out of the room and rushed into Sandra's room.

They sat me down on the bed and took out a big plastic container.

and then before I knew it,

 out hopped this tiny

little rabbit.

Mind you, I've never felt this intense feeling of pure excitement/shock in my life, so I didn't know how to react to it. The first thing I did was start crying then and there. My sisters laughed at me but I kept crying becos it was such an overwhelming feeling. The rabbit is so cute, hopping around the room & suddenly everything started to make sense. The animal food was in fact rabbit food, the heater was on because rabbits need a warm environment & Alice was there since Wendy was at tutor and Sandra had piano lessons. I found out, they bathed the rabbit after school becos she peed on her feet. They gave her pieces of carrot to eat and left some water.

So here's the story. Sandra bought the rabbit after school today for $20 at the local pet store along with the food. idk how she managed but she got it home and till this moment...
my parents do not know. 

Saturday 21 July 2012

That feeling..

That feeling when you've just discovered an artist or singer. If the first song captures you, you believe their other songs will do just the same. You're so mesmerized by their voice, the melody, even how they look when they're singing. You youtube every song and learn the lyrics just in a few minutes. Those are the artists who are timeless. 


Sunday 15 July 2012

Flightless bird

There's this song that reminds me of you so much. Maybe because it's random. I wonder if there will be a time when I get to tell you face to face how much you've taught me...& I just wanted to thank you for that. 

Camera Appreciation Post

Saturday 14 July 2012

My "bleh mood" playlist

Flightless bird, American Mouth - Iron & Wine
Hotel California - Eagles
Lonely Boy - Black Keys
Paradise - Coldplay
99 Problems - Hugo cover
Lose Yourself - Eminem 
Riverside - Agnes Obel
Seven Devils - Florence and the Machine
Marvin's Room - Drake
Heartless - William Fitzsimmons (Kanye West cover)
Billie Jean - The Civil Wars cover

Dream #4

 Pongua Falls, Vietnam
 Lady Musgrave Island, Great Barrier Reef, Australia
Positano, Amalfi Coast, Italy