Sunday 25 March 2012

Fast spender.

I admit I shop waaaay too much. After tutor today, my family was just like, 'Get in loser, we're going shopping'. & I was like 'yaaaay'! We went to boring Neeta City, which doesn't have anything except for the pop up Cotton On store. There was a huuuuge sale & I got this floral thing (idrk what it called but it looks like a parachute), winter socks & an icecream colour block shirt; all 5 bucks each. We then went to this asian store where they sell random nice stuff. There was an antique bed side table that I think I'm gnna save up for. I love those stores, they have cool affordable things. My parents & I wanted to get this Buddha statue for the backyard, which will make it more serene but we're gnna keep looking in case something better comes along. We went to Stockies after & I bought a jumper from JayJays for 30% off! :) There was a buy one get one free sale at Insport & Sandra got these really nice blue Nikes and my dad got his Nikes for freeeeeee! My mum was jokingly jealous & wanted a free pair but there weren't any nice ones left. She actually considered buying soccer boots cos they were free if I got something LOL.
After all this shopping, my dad was like, 'LET'S GO CITY IN 2 WEEKS!'


If I could travel anywhere in the world, it would definitely be Greece. 

Wendy & I made plans at the beginning of the year that we have to go when we've both finished high school. I would be 21 by then. Despite its appalling economy, it's a destination thats going to do the job. I came across a website and it presented 5 different hotels in Santorini. I think for the past 2 hours I was just reading everything from every hotel & scrolling through the pictures. So oblivious to the fact that I have a creative writing task I have to do in a an hour or so & I haven't planned. 
The natural simplicity to Greece is far beyond a destination I would've imagined. I got so hyped up and was even thinking if we should book accommodation soon (entirely bonkers...but you never know how long the waiting list can be). I tried to pick the one hotel, which seems to suit me best and I concluded that I really don't mind which one because they all have their picturesque sceneries, cuisines and charm. I checked the Greek Islands map & found out that Katikies Hotel is surrounded by beaches. I think it's also the closest to Oia, Santorini which is the Greek village on the island known for it's different buildings carved  from rock. I seriously can't wait. 

Saturday 24 March 2012

Getting Crafty #1

1. Pour milk into a bowl.
2. Add a few drops of coloured food dye.
3. Dip the tip of a toothpick into some liquid detergent and tip/hold it onto the coloured spots.
4. Watch & enjoy!

(Optional: You guys can place pieces of white paper/cardboard ontop to transport the print into the paper) 

Thursday 22 March 2012

“Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.” 
                                                                                                    - Terry Pratchett


When I give a friend advice, I don't expect them to always take it, but only to consider it. It's the same with opinions. Another thing I don't expect is for them to go do exactly opposite of what I advise. & it's not just my suggestion, the person agrees with me but ends up going against what he/she says as well. Eugh this post doesn't even make any sense. I'm just pissed and disappointed.

Oh shit...

I managed to get my whole speech written onto palm cards today & I was really happy...until now. Since we couldn't use ipods to time, I had no watch so I don't know how long my speech is nor do I know how fast to talk. I read one of my practice essays, which is around the same length as my speech & it was only 4 .5 minutes D: I just hope the bullshit sandwiched between my intro & conclusion is at least B material. 

love this.

Monday 19 March 2012

Memory Box.

I'm just keeping in mind that even though you're allowed 1 page of notes, you're not restricted to remember quotes and ideas in my mind. Find the opportunity & take it to your advantage!

Sunday 18 March 2012

Rocking it.

I think its once a month or two that I visit the city, either to shop or take pictures. Two weeks ago, I went to the Rocks with my family. I think a lot of people will agree when I say the atmosphere up there is so much more peaceful and calm than western suburbs. Don't get me wrong, I love living here but its really nice to just take a break. I love strolling through the Rocks' market on Saturday even though I never buy anything. I bought a Butterbear (HP drink) flavoured ice cone last time & it was really yummy. They have these gourmet food stores, which are soo freeking simple but tasty. We bought two Japanese pancakes; beef & vegetarian, & my dad drove us up to this park. We sat & ate while looking over the entire Sydney Harbour. It's really picturesque...would probably be a really good first date setting. There's usually a lot of wedding couples there, having their photographs taken..& that's when I just pay attention & can't stop staring at photographers' cameras. I'm really grateful at the fact that my Dad works in the city. Otherwise I wouldn't of known the things Sydney offers.


Haven't been blogging for a while, didn't even get to talk about Tswift's concert. Blogger doesn't let me upload the vids cos they're too HD. From time to time when I'm working on my assessments, I scroll through Tumblr and see pictures like this. It gives me motivation..for some reason. I always think that if I work hard, I'll make my parents happy, I'll get an awesome job and then I'll use part of the money to finally chase my dream. 

Saturday 10 March 2012


You're never going to change aren't you? When you know you're wrong, you bring another one of your bullshit arguments up.

Monday 5 March 2012


There's a driving learner program for Yr 11 tomorrow and I'm most probably going to stay at home, catch up on homework & attempt the stack of assignments on my desk. I don't think the driving thing is going to benefit me much & if there was something important, I'm sure Mable would tell me. Hopefully I get most of the work done tomorrow!