Monday 27 February 2012

Work Mode.

This week is bombarded with assessments and homework. But in a way this is benefitting me more than others. I suddenly clicked from procrastination to nerdy. Even though I managed to finish my chem prac for tomorrow's assessment & actually do English home work, it seems like I've conquered a lot tonight since I dislike English.
I'm kinda excited for tomorrow arvo cos Laura & I are assisting Mable in shopping for a present. Haven't been 'out out' in a while and I know it'll take some stress of my shoulders. Oh & even better, I finished my Truong homework! Just need to study for Trig test on Friday. Happy Joanne is happy :)

Sunday 26 February 2012

Glad You Came

Been watching Grant Gustin videos. Yesterday I finally did my shopping & spent quite a lot of money in just under 30mins! I bought a whole Autumn outfit from Glassons, which is my favourite outfit atm, can't wait to wear it when it gets chilly. Today was my first lesson with the new Advanced Eng Peak teacher & she's so young & pretty & really good! Most of the lesson was fun because me & Yvonne were talking about random things. Class went super duper fast. Spent the rest of the day studying for the Religion assessment cos I realised it was tomorrow! I finished doing people's birthday photos & I'm feeling so much better even though the upcoming week is filled with heaps of homework, assessments & shit.

Saturday 25 February 2012

Eye Candy.

I wasn't ever a fan of Glee but the other day Mable showed me a performance from some team & the lead singer, Sebastian Smyth (Grant Gustin) is so good-looking. I'm obsessed.

Thursday 23 February 2012

Counting sheep.

Peer support started today and lets just say I'm really grateful that my group didn't contain any rude kids. I really enjoyed Truong lesson today not just because of sir talking abt Criminal Minds but how I actually understood everything today and now I'm excited to start homework :L The next two weeks will be filled with assessments so goodluck guys!

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.

Sail away.

Feels like I haven't blogged in ages. Like everyone else, it has been pretty intense with homework and the load of assignments that I should really start soon. It's become so busy that I sometimes feel like I'm not "sociable" anymore..even to some of my close friends. Don't talk much, just constantly thinking and planning out what to do after school every single day. My friend's birthday photos are pretty important to me because it's the least I can do besides buying/making them a present. I've been behind & still need to do Nadine's & Diana's. On a more positive note, I'm really enjoying basketball every Wednesday. Just brings back primary memories & it's the only time when I'm not my usual self. It feels like it takes off some stress. The only subjects I'm enjoying is Maths, Ancient History & Religion, which is strange. Hope all you guys are coping well!

Saturday 11 February 2012

19°C< Sydney < 26°C

How bipolar has the weather been aye?
Instead of the awesome swimming carnival, I went to Anmol's at 7:40 in the morning. Even though from the photos I saw, the swimming carnival was really fun, I have no regrets spending my day at Anmol's new house. It's like one of those houses you see in IKEA catalogues. You can see your reflection everywhere! Spent the first half an hour exclaiming, 'wow' to every room. Anyway she made me the most vibrant & colourful omelette with toast. Anmol has a very unique way of cooking but it's very delicious, not to mention spicy. We ate outside then started goofing around. Did a reasonable amount of work, had a tiny dnm, bought groceries, Gloria Jeans, Dominoes. Finally watched 3D TV & it's soooo cool! Much better than the 3D movies. Watched the ending of a dramatic indian sitcom then talked & goofed around more.

So 2 weeks ago, my peak english class composed a short story during class but I skipped it to go shopping in the city LOL. So miss told me to do it for homework, which I did...eventually...30 mins before class started today. It's about this guy, trapped in this 'society camp' where the 'boss' orders his men to kidnap young women around the area as slaves & of course, rape. So this guy laid eyes on a new girl who was kidnapped & saw that she wasn't like the other girls he's seen. He decides to make a plan & escape with her. Keep in mind that my story is in a 'dear, diary' format. So we writes in his diary everyday & eventually escapes but suddenly he stops writing in the diary. In the end the last diary entry was written by the girl he saved. She confesses that she murders him since she was like "undercover" for that boss and he would kill her if she didn't kill the guy so yeah. It's a dark, twisted kinda story which is pretty decent in my opinion, for 30 minutes.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Knocked down one by one; they all eventually leave.

The past couple of days have been such a confusion for me, but between all that, there were these tiny moments where I just lit up..but just for those few seconds. One of them was during sport & it was just that moment when you jump with full force to catch a ball soaring in the air & you think you won't catch it because it's so far up but you do. Idk if it's just me but it feels great.
Today during English when it was pouring hard out outside, I sat next to the open window & felt the tiny splashes against my skin. The breeze was perfectly blowing my hair in the right direction and the slight chill lifted my mood instantly. & of course the pitter patter was the cherry on top, tying those few seconds of relaxation together. Love those tiny things.

It's always the small things.

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Take Care

I don't know why but this song has been stuck in my head for the whole day. Take Care - Rihanna ft. Drake. I realised today that during English class, I like to sing or hum quietly to myself because English depresses me lol.

Monday 6 February 2012

There's bigger things to worry about.

Really not in the mood for homework. Planning to do it tomorrow when I feel better. I feel so ridiculous & foolish :L Thank gosh there's music.

Friday 3 February 2012

Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction.
                                                          -Pablo Picasso
I would have to be uncontrollably angry when I do this, to produce something so personal but expressive. There would be a day where I will set up a huge canvas in an empty room. There will be cans of paint. Every hue, every shade, every emotion. There would be balloons, sponges, paintbrushes, & most importantly my hands. And at that particular moment, I would let myself go. Bonkers. Splashing my hands in various vibrance and transferring my frustration towards the blank canvas. Filling up balloons with the thick coloured paste and pegging it in every direction. Just imagine if your blood was boiling with anger, how would your masterpiece look like? In the end, there would be a day where there was no longer a huge canvas in an empty room but a small canvas in a room that is no where near empty. 

Thursday 2 February 2012

Officially stressed out.

Ms Chand chucked us a tonne of homework to do in one night. Usually that would be great for me but since I had tutor, I'm already so worn out.

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Birth day.

I love doing people's birthday photos. 

Who Am I?

I had English with Moller today and he asked the class this question to answer individually.
Who am I?
Everyone started writing while I just stared blankly around the room. I seriously didn't know what to write. After 2 mins, I just kept my head down and wrote whatever, hoping I won't have to say anything out to the class. When I finished, I read over it and most of my sentences were about me wanting to travel around the world and photographing or just me photographing in my spare time. I was surprised, I didn't think I would write about it that much but that's when it really hit me.
I want to be a photographer. It's my dream and that's all I ever think about. For so long I've been puzzled and still undecided but I think I made up my mind. Everyone is born with talent and mine is photography so why not do it everyday as a job? I don't want to be old and be thinking, 'What if?' Life's not perfect and it's short. If I make a mistake then at least it's the most fun mistake I'll make.

You can't just learn a talent. You are born with it within you.