Saturday 11 February 2012

19°C< Sydney < 26°C

How bipolar has the weather been aye?
Instead of the awesome swimming carnival, I went to Anmol's at 7:40 in the morning. Even though from the photos I saw, the swimming carnival was really fun, I have no regrets spending my day at Anmol's new house. It's like one of those houses you see in IKEA catalogues. You can see your reflection everywhere! Spent the first half an hour exclaiming, 'wow' to every room. Anyway she made me the most vibrant & colourful omelette with toast. Anmol has a very unique way of cooking but it's very delicious, not to mention spicy. We ate outside then started goofing around. Did a reasonable amount of work, had a tiny dnm, bought groceries, Gloria Jeans, Dominoes. Finally watched 3D TV & it's soooo cool! Much better than the 3D movies. Watched the ending of a dramatic indian sitcom then talked & goofed around more.

So 2 weeks ago, my peak english class composed a short story during class but I skipped it to go shopping in the city LOL. So miss told me to do it for homework, which I did...eventually...30 mins before class started today. It's about this guy, trapped in this 'society camp' where the 'boss' orders his men to kidnap young women around the area as slaves & of course, rape. So this guy laid eyes on a new girl who was kidnapped & saw that she wasn't like the other girls he's seen. He decides to make a plan & escape with her. Keep in mind that my story is in a 'dear, diary' format. So we writes in his diary everyday & eventually escapes but suddenly he stops writing in the diary. In the end the last diary entry was written by the girl he saved. She confesses that she murders him since she was like "undercover" for that boss and he would kill her if she didn't kill the guy so yeah. It's a dark, twisted kinda story which is pretty decent in my opinion, for 30 minutes.

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