Wednesday 1 February 2012

Who Am I?

I had English with Moller today and he asked the class this question to answer individually.
Who am I?
Everyone started writing while I just stared blankly around the room. I seriously didn't know what to write. After 2 mins, I just kept my head down and wrote whatever, hoping I won't have to say anything out to the class. When I finished, I read over it and most of my sentences were about me wanting to travel around the world and photographing or just me photographing in my spare time. I was surprised, I didn't think I would write about it that much but that's when it really hit me.
I want to be a photographer. It's my dream and that's all I ever think about. For so long I've been puzzled and still undecided but I think I made up my mind. Everyone is born with talent and mine is photography so why not do it everyday as a job? I don't want to be old and be thinking, 'What if?' Life's not perfect and it's short. If I make a mistake then at least it's the most fun mistake I'll make.

You can't just learn a talent. You are born with it within you.

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