Friday 30 December 2011

Lobsters have blue blood.

These past two days have been really good for me. Yesterday we went to Spotlight (favourite store) and spent like more than 1 hour there. I didn't even finish shopping yet! :L but after that we went to eat seafood at Penrith Seafood, which isn't in Penrith but across from Spotlight in Wetherill Park. There was a huge spotlight sale especially for the fabrics and I really wanted to get a whole bunch of different ones in case I feel like making a skirt or shirt but the line was craaaaazy. So instead I got 4 ribbons; royal blue, navy blue, royal purple and wine red, 4m of sailor's rope, purple glitter, this cool feather thing, paper roses and clear string. I should've bought more stuff. The seafood was the best omg. Battered fish cooked to perfection (masterchef style), crunchy calamari rings, delicious potato scallops and the usual chips squeezed with lemon and pinched of salt. If you live around Wetherill Park, across from Spotlight, you should try the Penrith Seafood place! It's cheap and yummy. 
When we got home, I sawed off a branch from my tree and decided to use it to decorate my room. I painted it brown and I think I'm going to make pink blossoms to connect to the branch & try to hang it from my ceiling. Mum made banh xeo (Vietnamese yellow pancake) for dinner and once again, my sisters dragged out their mattresses before falling asleep. 
Today, we went shopping at Parra Westfields and I'm very happy with my purchases; typo bird mouse pad, 2 scarves ($4.50 each! OMG! 70% off at Glassons), a knitted shirt, bday card and teal lace up flat shoes from Rubi. I feel very fulfilled because everything was cheap. :D

NYE tomorrow. Cancelled plans with Mable for Sydney harbour. Still don't know what to do. 

Thursday 29 December 2011

If you keep a goldfish in a dark room, it'll eventually turn white.

Ever since my Dad left for his adventurous Vietnam holiday, my mum, sisters & I have been dragging our mattresses back and forth from our rooms to enjoy each other's company before falling asleep. They're all so bothered to drag it to the living room every night and drag it back every morning. Being the unbothered person I am, I just simply sleep on the couch. We head to bed at around 9:30-10pm watching Friends or something interesting on TV and fall asleep one by one.
We were watching TV and came along this amazingly interesting ad about 'The Illusionists' performing at the Sydney Opera House. With no consideration of the pricing, I screamed out, 'I'M SO GOING TO THIS!' I quickly googled them and was devastated to find the event extremely pricey for the whole family to go to. But OMG I reaaaaaaaally want to go to this. Maybe even more than the HP exhibition! I was dazzled and fascinated about every character in the magician group. I already have my favourites and watched all their youtube videos. I would save up money but I also need someone else to go with because it's just so expensive if my family goes. Their names & personas just makes the group look so much more exciting and thrilling. Anyway if you haven't seen the ad on TV here's the link. 

#2. Meaning behind my blog name.

My blog name is really random and I'm going to change it soon when I figure something better. So instead I'll tell you the meaning behind my blogger url, 'explorationdate'. There's countless words in the English Dictionary but my favourite word would have to be explore. I like the sound of it and the meaning. You can explore a place, explore a person and explore yourself. I've been repeating the word explore so much now that it sounds weird and I forgot what it meant for a while :L Well exploration date is like expiration date and I just thought it was cool to replace expire with explore. Haha, that's about it but I love my blog url.

#1. Introduction to challenge & 5 facts/anecdotes.

Well the introduction to this 12 day challenge is kinda like the introduction to my blog. I might change some of the day challenges along the way because of various reasons but mostly because it's too personal. Reading through each day, you will know a lot more about me, which I'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing yet. I've tried doing challenges before but I always end up giving up. Idk I like to think that majority of people who blog regularly or attempt these challenges, aren't just bored but in a way they hope a few people will read it. Maybe it's because at school they seem one way but really there's so much more. Reflecting upon the blogs I follow, their blog doesn't match up with their school persona. Idk if it makes sense but a blog expands everything, doesn't limit your personality. Although there's a colossal of things people don't spill out on the internet, I think a blog or a challenge will open up their reader's minds about different things, especially the blogger.

1. There was a Sunday when I went to the city with Anmol along with her family & family friends. I didn't expect to have so much fun. We walked over to the Opera House and took pictures, admired the scenery, etc. We then alighted a ferry taking us to Manly. I've never been there before so it was my first time on a ferry and to Manly. After while, Anmol & I wondered off to this beachy place but it wasn't Manly beach, more closer to the wharf. We stood on the jetty, just us two. I don't know what travelled through our minds but both decided to make a wish. In doing so, we threw in a coin each and concentrated about what we wished to happen. My wish was childish at the time but whatever. I don't really know what this moment taught me. Maybe it's to keep on hoping. Don't lose hope. Surprisingly enough, a few months later my wish came true; we started fancying each other more after the confession. I don't know if you believe in coincidences or just believe everything happens for a reason but for me everything happens for a reason.

2. I'm more of a kinaesthetic learner, which probably explains why I'm really sucking at Maths now and excelling in more creative terms. Which leads to one of my complications I've had for the past year. When year 10 had to wisely pick out our subjects for Senior Years, I was really stuck & upset that Visual arts was in the same line as Ext Maths. Being the type of person I am, I don't boast or admit to stuff I'm apparently good at because I don't think the ability I have to do that particular thing is actually that 'good' to be known of. But this is different. I'm great at Art & Photography. That's probably it. So it was hard for me to make a decision between Ext Maths or Visual Arts. I know how teachers and people say, 'Just choose the subject that you like doing, that motivates you'. It's not that easy. When I was in Year 3, I started tutoring at Belmore, which was the worst. Then to Northshore, Pre Uni & now Peak & Truong. Belmore, Northshore & Preuni were all shit but Truong built up the base of my mathematical knowledge. A lot of money has gone into my tutor lessons for so many years. If I happen to pick Art over Maths, then it wouldn't seem right in term of effort and money wise. In the 'Maths' view, it's like settling for something that's not even worth it. But like other things, I have an undying passion for Art. I don't even know what I want to be in the future. As part of growing up I have to consider every factor, especially money. Getting a job in Medicine would be alright, not so much fun for me but the $ is great. Getting a job in Art would be amazing. My dream. I would love going to work everyday. But unless what I do for a living is so amazingly great, then the money isn't so ch-chingy. Just to let you know, I did pick Maths over Art mainly because it's what is expected from me. & maybe you're thinking, 'Just do what you want to do, not what your parents want you to do', but I'm still undecided and I am considering changing to Art next year. There's a lot more to this but this fact is already long enough. I guess from this anecdote, I don't know the end result towards the lesson learnt yet. I'll just have to wait and see. 

3. Hurt changes people.
    Sorrow changes people.
    Pain changes people.
    Enough said. 

4. I always hope for the best but expect the worst. It's automatic. If the situation turns out really bad well then I expected it so I'm kinda prepared but if the situation turns out well then I just think to myself, 'It could've been worse.'

5. I don't like cucumbers, peanuts, lasagne & bean sprouts. Random, but I just don't like eating them. (Cucumbers smell delightful though)

Wednesday 28 December 2011

Today’s clowns have white faces because the first clowns centuries ago would kill children that didn’t laugh and grind up their bones.

So already, I'm running out of interesting things to blog about so Dougie suggested one of her previous 10 day challenges. Hope you guys have fun reading it!

Challenge 1: Day 1: Introduction to my challenge and 5 facts/anecdotes of my life

Challenge 2: Day 2: Meaning behind my blog name

Challenge 3: Day 3: My parents

Challenge 4: Day 4: A place I've travelled to

Challenge 5: Day 5: Qualities in a relationship that I believe are necessary

Challenge 6: Day 6: My Favorite tv shows

Challenge 7: Day 7: My Dream house

Challenge 8: Day 8: Something I'm afraid of

Challenge 9: Day 9 : Something that stresses me out

Challenge 10: Day 10: Things that annoy me

Challenge 11: Day 11: My first love

Challenge 12: Day 12: 3 of my wishes

Pearls melt in vinegar.

I'm currently in love with Taylor Swift's new song, 'Safe & Sound' as the The Hunger Games Soundtrack. It's really different and out of her singing style but I love how the different tones and the somewhat eerie but haunting melody from the guitar. I'm attempting to sing it but gosh it's a challenging song to get right.

I've typed up three different posts but I keep deleting them because they don't seem 'complete'.

- Nerf picnic
- Zoo
- Aquarium
- Fishing
- Spotlight
- S outing
- HP exhibition
- Girls Day In

Tuesday 27 December 2011

Most hamsters blink with one eye at a time.

The captain assigned us to our mission. 
It was kill or be killed.
We walked towards the black-misty terrain with our heads up high and guns in our hands.
I stared into Emily's eyes with determination & she replied with, 'We got this.'
We were ready to fight. 

The opposition had the advantage of surprise, locking down the area in small groups. We hurried in, desperate for a good place to camp & figure out the enemy's tactics. Emily & I found the base and destroyed it with 3 shots to the centre. Bullseye. Our legs carried us to the top, getting a better view of the battleground. Our allies scattered around the ground, hiding in the army tank and peering out the gunshot holes.

I can't say it was easy. They outnumbered us. But we didn't give up. 
"Pew pew pew!"
I got shot. 
I got back up on my feet and ran behind them. 
"Pew pew pew!"
Shot their whole line of defence.
We still had a chance to win.

My heart was racing.
Hiding, peeping, rolling, sprinting, shooting.
Before we knew it, the war had ended.
We stepped out of the darkness.
It was a while since we've seen the sunlight.
Puffed, I walked out & jumped in pride and joy to find that we won the battle. 
Mission accomplished. 

Sorry, just had to type down an overdramatised version of what happened today. Emily, my sisters, Alice's friend & I went to play Lasertag @ Fairfield! Long story short, I got very competitive & aggressive. Like even though they were way younger than me, the leader of their 'group' were like, 'Omg are we seriously versing a bunch of girls?!' Funny enough, he kept his mouth shut when he found out we smashed them. Speaking of smashing, I got pissed so I ran towards this one guy and knocked his gun out of his hands. I'm not proud of it. But it was so fun shooting people :L Emily came back to my house after & we played Just Dance 3. Then she curled my hair and made an excellent attempt of a messy fishtail braid. 

Going city with Mable, Emily, Dougie, Matthew & maybe Krishna tomorrow! Dougie actually has a date with some green-eyed guy ;) I hope it goes well and not awkward with them two. Idk what the plan for tomorrow is, maybe just hanging out at a park, eating, little bit of shopping. 

Monday 26 December 2011

To be a good liar, you need good memory.

The Boxing Day Sale is overrated.
I should've known how crowded it would be & how anxious I'll be with soo much pushy people around. (I think the grammar in this sentence is wrong but meh). But it's for experience & now I know to never go to one again. The day was jst so boring & pointless so it's not worth talking about anymore. I've always been tired & irritated of Facebook, yet I still use it for photos & socialising. But now Twitter is more annoying than Facebook. It's getting dominated and just gets me pissed off so I'm going to stop using it. Same with Facebook. I'm just annoyed. Today was so bleh, I just want to see my friends.

Sunday 25 December 2011

Turtles breathe through their butts.

It doesn't feel like Christmas. My dad left for his Vietnam trip this morning and even though we're not as close as I want us to be, I already miss him. I really don't have any Christmas plans because I'm going over to my grandparents (mum's side) house tomorrow for dinner, which means I can't go out to dinner with Mable & Dougie. There's so much history to my Mum's side of the family but long story short, I hate it. I know hate is a strong word & this is why I use it. I don't hate all of them but hate is still hate. I'm not excited for the holidays anymore & I actually miss school. I'll try to find something interesting to blog about. 

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Friday 23 December 2011

You can fill up two swimming pools of saliva over a lifetime.

So I've been seeing this image all over Tumblr for the past few weeks.
If somehow the clock magically takes me back to the beginning of 2011, I would take the chance to redo everything. I know how usually me being the type of person I am would say, 'But if you had to redo everything, then you wouldn't be who you are and where you'll be in life right now'. And that's the thing. I don't want to be where I am right now. 2011 could've been one of the worst years of my life. Right before the new year starts, I know I'll reflect back upon 2011 and remember the best, unforgettable moments but also the darkest, worst moments embedded into my memory. This year was very momentous. I experienced things like never before & I also regret a lot of things. But one thing I definitely do not regret was meeting new people, learning things & strengthening friendships. I know I've hurt people whom I love very much & I just could've done so much better. I didn't try hard enough for any exams or tests. To sum up myself with one word for 2011, it would definitely have to be mindless
Twenty twelve is going to be better even though it's double the stress & school work. I'm motivated & determined to do my best and study hard & this time I mean it. It would be amazing if I could redo 2011 but I don't mind where I am now. As long as my happy and still moving on, it's all good. 

Thursday 22 December 2011

Dreams prevent psychosis.

I needed someone that night. Things have not changed. I don't know why I even thought you could just be there and listen. You have no consideration for the other person's feelings even if they don't tell you exactly what's wrong. Grow up, just because I can't tell you doesn't mean you can just mindlessly assume this and that. You said that we've haven't talked in a while so how do I expect you to give me advice. I don't want advice. I don't even care if you talk or not. I just needed someone that will simply listen. You judge and assume to the point where there is no relevance to what I'm talking about. We argue like old times and just end up talking about your life and problems. I don't even know why I bother, should've given up on you ages ago. Whenever you know I'm right, you just change the subject. & you're right, I haven't seen another side of you or your girlfriend because now I really do not want to. If you guys did have a deep, sensitive, nice side then you wouldn't be acting like this in the first place. If yous have been hurt then you wouldn't be treating other people like this. Your girlfriend wouldn't be prancing around boasting about her high marks or netball skills. Not everything is about you so just shut the fuck up or back your shit up. I thought you guys wouldnt've lasted this long but con-fucking-gratulations. Turns out you're perfect for her.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

A crocodile cannot stick it's tongue out.

Emily's coming over soon! It's a shame there's not much to do. I have no money, no food. We're just gonna play Just Dance 3 and do stuff  :L Last night I was discussing with Laura about the upcoming Nerf Picnic planned on the 27th of December. It's just after Christmas & right before New Years so the date is pretty much perfect. It took ages to figure out the fastest route to get to Plough & Harrow Park but it's all worth it for you guys to come! If you didn't see on facebook, you can catch the 807 bus and tell the driver to stop at Elizabeth Drive near the park. It's gonna be a lot of fun so make sure you come! Anyway Laura & I were really ecstatic yesterday planning it. We're gonna try and get there early to save us a table and a BBQ area at around 8am because they get taken easily. I was also thinking of making decorations to hang around our picnic area. Yes, you can tell I'm very excited for this & dedicated to make it the best! 

Check out Facebook for the deets & Nerf/Water guns are on sale!

Monday 19 December 2011

The umbrella was originally invented to protect people from the sun.

Today was boring & the only entertainment I got was thinking about shopping at Spotlight, eating Pizza & watching this fat snail slowly slide up the fence across from my rain-racing window. I love pouring rain. Especially the pure pitter patter. I would've changed my clothes & run outside just playing around in the puddles but I really don't want to start the holidays being sick. Tomorrow is going to be around 23 degrees & sunny with a bit of a slight shower so I'm hoping to go to Westfields Parra with my sisters. Today was just really boring so here are the photos a took while it poured.  

Babies eyes do not produce tears until the baby has reached 6 to 8 weeks old.

Today is officially the first day of the Christmas holidays. I was supposed to go catch a movie with Mable, Dougie, Krishna & Matthew but my mum wanted us to clean our rooms & the house today so we don't have to worry about it later. So I wiped my table clear of school books and left the tutor ones. I was looking through some of my stuff & I found a frame I made, which I painted black. It had no use at all until I remembered something. I won't talk about the history of it or who gave it to me but maybe you can figure it out for yourself. I also found some old camera film strips so I stuck them on my window so the sunlight can shine through it. Shame there's not much today. I finally printed 2 photos of Dougie & I and placed them in the Princess Snowglobe she got me for Kris Kringle. I love it so much but I won't show her the picture yet. 
My room atm is really plain. There's hardly anything on my walls except the aqua paint, my clothes hanging birdcage and the lights Mable got me for my birthday present. So throughout the holidays I'm planning to make a bunch of things to decorate my room. I can't wait to go Spotlight & Bunnings! If you didn't know, Spotlight is my favourite store. It beats all the clothes store. I love it and whenever I walk through the doors my heart just races and takes me to the Arts & Crafts aisles. I also need to take a colossal of photos these holidays since I will need heaps to decorate my main wall. I don't have a specific plan to how the layout will be or what I'll be making so I'll just buy a bunch of stuff and see what I can make out of them. 

I have a feeling these holidays will be the best ever. 

Sunday 18 December 2011

The Bible is the most shop-lifted book in the world.

During the morning till afternoon, I was really bored & I only enjoyed the company of my dogs being indoor for once. So I decided to browse through the blogging community and read Richie's post on religion quite a few months back ago I think. Then I read Dougie's post on religion right after & thought that I should talk about that too. 
In my opinion, religion is part of our history, culture and our identity. But I strongly agree with Durga that it is a 'dying breed'. I don't think it will ever become extinct though, but who knows where the world will come to. To me & many others, religion is extremely important and should be passed down generation to generation. I think majority of parents these days don't spend enough time telling their children about their religion. By telling, I don't mean saying that they have to follow & believe in that particular god becos he created us and etc. What I mean is explaining the origins, the myths, the stories, the history and why it's important in our everyday lives. Parents should've force their children to follow that particular religion but should more guide them through the experiences whether it'll be praying, celebrating Christmas, Sunday church, temple, etc. Whatever happens, we should all respect all religions even if we've never heard of them or understand it..which brings me to the next bit. 

Before, I've always been puzzled & in disbelief with Hinduism but I still respected it. I hope no one takes offence of this because I'm not finished talking about this yet but I always thought, how could people believe in a blue person or an elephant man or a person with multiple pairs of arms. I wasn't rude or judged Hindus with my prior thought, I just simply didn't understand. That was before Anmol, Mable & I sat down behind one of the shelves in the school library one morning. Anmol was recently read books on Hinduism & was telling the base of the religion and the stories & history that follow it. I was interested 100%. Eyes locked onto Anmol & the way she explained some stories with her hands. I don't want to go that much into it becos it'll be too long but that moment opened my mind up a bit more. I learnt that the images of the elephant, blue man & etc are basically fractions of a myth/story or god fused into one image to remind people what they actually are. I suck at explaining things but it's like they are representations of a story or god. 
After that, I was asking Dougie to tell me some stories she knew & I was really fascinated with everything. I borrowed books from the library and tried to absorb everything. Hinduism is truly spectacular & filled with wonders. It's a really deep, historic and ancient religion that will hopefully exist in the future for generations along with other religions. Just by that, I even know more than some Hindus and has just changed my attitudes towards them. If you don't understand the image representation thing then ask some of your Hindu friends, I'm sure they'll explain it better than me :L 

So overall, religion should be respected & shared for as long as possible. It's just a shame that people are losing faith and belief in not just their god but also themselves. 

Saturday 17 December 2011

The higher your IQ, the more you dream.

Even though my family is Buddhist, we celebrate Christmas every single year. Wendy & I put up the tree in mid November, listening to JB's, 'Mistletoe' while doing so. We give & receive presents, our S-class does KrisKringle & we always have a Christmas dinner with my dad's side. The fambam is the typical asian family, with all of the kids playing either piano or violin, striving to get to a selective school & every academic thing is counted as a "competition". Every year it's the same big dinner; baked potatoes, prawns with dip, salad, legit ham & a huuuge turkey. Only this year my cousin, Helen made a scrum-dilly-umptious trifle in a cup filled with small jam rolls, with custard poured over it, sprinkled with blueberries, strawberries & peaches & the whipped cream to take diabetes to a whole new level. We exchanged gifts for Kris Kringle & I got the typical Ferrero Roche box of chocolates, which I will give away since I'm not a fan of chocolate. The best bit about today was that Tinky got a haircut! & gosh it's just the cutest. He has never been this clean before & I love the little green bow they put ontop of his head! I think I shall watch some Criminal Minds tonight. 

The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue.

I feel like blogging a little bit right now, before I go to tutor. My parents were gardening front & backyard & my mum didn't close the gate properly. So one of my adorable dogs, Scrappy (I dislike his name, it sounds so crappy) got through the gap & just casually walked to my front door. Gosh it was so cute to me becos I thought he would run around & out of my lawn but he just sat infront of the door :L Anyway I put him back with my other dog, Tinky (Yeah, I named him). I love my dogs. I think they're gay cos they've been doing stuff. Stuff that corrupted my little sister, Alice. I love talking to my dogs & singing to them because even though they don't understand, they know you're giving them comfort by listening to the tone of your voice. 

I like to say Tinky is half Maltese Terrier & half polar bear. He's actually really fluffy & way more dirty. He enjoys the occasional walk around the flowers. He wags his tail with enthusiasm especially when I rap :L He was born on Australia Day & Chinese New Year & loves eating cultural food like curry & banh canh (Viet Udon). 
When I want to insult Scrappy whenever he misbehaves, I would call him, 'Lion'. This is because I usually softly put my hands around his neck and push his fur up so it spreads out like a lion's mane :L Scrappy is the more well behaved dog but he's mean. He doesn't like it when Tinky's eating food or when Tinky sleeps in the kennel because he thinks it's all his. He's very picky about what he eats so most of the time he just eats meat. 

Friday 16 December 2011

A koala bear sleeps 22 hours of everyday.

Double the jumping castle, double the people, double the fun. But that isn't the case since the first half of Gino's party was pretty fun & then gradually died out for me. Either that or I gradually died out. Oh gosh I love jumping castles & it's ability to withhold heaps of crazy teenagers frolicking around, just by blowing air. Most of the time spent on the jumping castle was just sitting, lying down, avoiding getting squashed & helping Anmol get to the top. But of course, the best bit was taking all the photos & laughing at the people squirming for freedom underneath a pile of boys. There wasn't much dancing, which was a shame because I actually wanted to dance for once :L Well after the Pizza, I got really bored & really wanted to go home. So overall, the party wasn't as fun as I imagined it would be but bleh, at least I had fun on the jumping castles. 
So every Saturday, I have Peak Chem tutor in the morning then I catch the free Cabra shuttle bus to Cabra & attend Peak English tutor. Tomorrow's the last week of tutor until we have our 3 week holiday but I cbb completing an essay in English tomorrow so I'll most likely jig..just like last week haha :L
I'm not the type of person to jig anything it's just I would rather spend $20 on something else then going to tutor & doing an essay. My next post will be more interesting, I guarantee. It's just I'm in a very bleh & meh mood at the moment. 

Hope you guys have a lovely weekend! Goodnight

Thursday 15 December 2011

Cows can sleep standing up, but can only dream lying down.

Over the months I've ben inspired by a few people, especially Yvonne, to start up a blog & just release some thoughts. Over time, there will be a lot of things you will learn & know about me. Not just me but countless situations, issues & people. I love reading people's personal blogs because in life there isn't enough time for you to ask all your friends how their day was or what they have planned, so their blog just is just a fraction of what happens when their heart & mind combines. Through all the blogs you read, you're sure to learn something new, even if it's the teeniest tiniest bit & help you gain perspective & even extend your vocabulary. So this is my blog, welcome readers! 

                                       Have fun &