Thursday 22 December 2011

Dreams prevent psychosis.

I needed someone that night. Things have not changed. I don't know why I even thought you could just be there and listen. You have no consideration for the other person's feelings even if they don't tell you exactly what's wrong. Grow up, just because I can't tell you doesn't mean you can just mindlessly assume this and that. You said that we've haven't talked in a while so how do I expect you to give me advice. I don't want advice. I don't even care if you talk or not. I just needed someone that will simply listen. You judge and assume to the point where there is no relevance to what I'm talking about. We argue like old times and just end up talking about your life and problems. I don't even know why I bother, should've given up on you ages ago. Whenever you know I'm right, you just change the subject. & you're right, I haven't seen another side of you or your girlfriend because now I really do not want to. If you guys did have a deep, sensitive, nice side then you wouldn't be acting like this in the first place. If yous have been hurt then you wouldn't be treating other people like this. Your girlfriend wouldn't be prancing around boasting about her high marks or netball skills. Not everything is about you so just shut the fuck up or back your shit up. I thought you guys wouldnt've lasted this long but con-fucking-gratulations. Turns out you're perfect for her.

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