Tuesday 31 January 2012

The truth behind the cage bird that sings.

^My title is from this poem we briefly studied in Peak English. It doesn't have relevance to this post except the fact that it's about cages & birds. Months ago when I was doing Pharmacy as work experience in Circular Quay, I was walking around mindlessly; not knowing where I was even headed. But after a 10 minute walk or so, I came across this little alleyway. I was amazed. I've never seen anything like it. I wish I had my camera that time but who knew I would come across this.
Above me were hundreds of bird cages of different shapes & sizes. It was simple but there was so much & it overwhelmed. It was simple & that's why I love it so much. At that moment, I knew to bring my camera the next day to take black & white photos from different view points but I never found that place again..probably because I srsly didn't know where I was walking. It was an opportunity that I wanted to take so badly. Till this day I still have the desire to walk wherever to find that alleyway. That all changed. The other day I was scrolling through Tumblr & found this photo.
I clicked through to the Flickr account & read through the comments & finally found where it was. Angel Place, surrounded by King, George, Hunter & Pitt street. Apparently there's also the sweet sound of chirping, which complements the bird cages. I showed my dad & he said he's gonna check it out & take some photographs because it is simply beautiful.

I guess you stumble along the most beautiful things unexpectedly. Like like/love, priceless memories & this. 
So don't be so ignorant. 

The start of something new; Senior Year

^ HSM reference lol.
First days of school are really exciting up to the point when you finished reading your timetable. Everyone looked so good in their senior uniform! Sophistication +1 but immaturity remains the same :L The day was hot and seemed like it dragged on. There were moments throughout the day where I really missed my slut. Usually when a slut joke was pulled, or something a dirty minded person would laugh to came up, we would turn towards each other & just laugh. I just really miss her. Anyway my day wasn't exciting, I just really like my English class table. There's something that we got asked in English with Moller today but I'll leave that till later when it's complete in my head..if you get me. This blog took me like 2 hours to type up (idk why) & now I'm all smiley & silly and I feel weird LOL. Okay bye!

Monday 30 January 2012

The first & last day.

For most Year 11s, today was their first day however fortunately for us, today was our final day of the holidays. It was so last minute but Emily called up in the morning & asked if I could come over. Met up with Mable on the bus & arrived at Emily's. After a while, Laura surprised us with presents! I'm entirely in love with it. Wooden black framed with a picturesque photograph of the sunset in Santorini, Greece. My dream destination right up on my wall. THANK YOU SO MUCH LAURA! (L)
Emily's dad chopped up different fruits for us & served it with vanilla ice cream, which was simple but sooo damn nice. We started watching cinnamon challenges & rewatched episodes of 2 Broke Girls. Laura & Emily helped dye me & Mable's hair this blueberry colour & then went to buy icecream.
Even though it was really hot today, it was really relaxed & kinda the perfect way to end Summer holidays.

Sunday 29 January 2012

The baby in the first Harry Potter movie, is Albus Severus in HP7.

^I think that will be the last fun fact since I really cbb looking up interesting facts anymore.
I played Tennis for the first time today & I was learning the basics; stepping, how to hit the ball, etc. It was alright, just wanted to practice more but unexpectedly, it was very short. It took me a couple of times to actually hit the ball over the net but I eventually did well. Those tennis players make it look so easy!
I really want a puppy pug when I grow up. Cute puppies are cute. 

Saturday 28 January 2012

Shopping Therapy.

After a wonderful day yesterday, my good day streak continues as I decided to skip English tutor today & go to the city with my family. I regret nothing. I had such an amazing time shopping, sightseeing, get mind boggled & overwhelmed by everything. I've been feeling really happy and I hope this continues for as long as possible. So after shopping with my mum & my sisters at the HP exhibition, we went to The Rocks market. The drive there was breath taking. Well for me it was. There was at least 5 weddings taking place near the Rocks, with photographers all around & fancy cars striped with pure white ribbon. There was one newlywed that stood out to me. It was an Indian groom & a white bride kissing at the London styled elephone booth. She was wearing a beautifully made golden sari & the groom wore the classic black suit. They were really cute & the bridesmaid all wore saris' as well. Well after getting overwhelmed by all the weddings, we drove up somewhere and enjoyed the whole scenery of the harbour. At that exact moment, I can already picture the photographic opportunities I can take at that viewpoint. It was my heaven & I would love to have a picnic there one day. Probably the best first date spot for me :L
Going to play tennis every Sunday morning since I don't do PE anymore, which I will really miss. First time playing tennis tomorrow so hopefully I don't suck at it too badly! Enjoy the rest of your holidays!

Yeah, Sandra drew this on her arm, upside down. Artistic (Y)

Friday 27 January 2012

Shakashakashaka Feel Good

Currently in the happiest mood & currently listening to Feel Good Inc. - The Gorillaz.
Anyway I have a list of TV shows that I keep up with because they are just soooo goood! So if you're interested here's a list!

- 2 Broke Girls
- Pretty Little Liars
- Revenge
- Criminal Minds
- Modern Family

& I think there's more but these are the ones worth listing.

Let's go on a Picnik!

So the sad news is, Picnik (a photo editing website) is closing down. I only use it for convenience & they have really cool effects since my mac doesn't have photoshop :( But the good news is, all the premium effects are free to use! Example below!

Finally got my L's!

Caught the bus with Wendy & Alice to Fairfield and arrived at the RTA at 11:20 even though I was scheduled for 12. I got really excited when my ticket number was called. My hopes dropped when the guy told me I need one of my parent's signature for someshit idk so I called my mum & she came to sign it. As soon as I sat down to do the test, their whole system crashed. It was 12:30 when I finally got to attempt the test. Did it within 4 minutes & passed :D Idk I got really excited when I received the license. It made it so official along with the stack of L plates & log book. After all the hassle, our stummies were grumbling so we trained it to Cabra & met up with Dougie, Mable & Laura at iYoghurt. I was really excited, idk why. Even though it hasn't been long since I've seen them, every step I took made my heart beat faster. I always laugh when I see Dougie, guess it's just a slut thing :L After iYoghurt, we walked to Crispy Crepes, drew on the blackbord, ordered a mixed berry fruit sundae & then headed to Tee's to eat once again. I got this simple but pretty diary from the news agency that I really love. It's plain lilac-lavendar & just a regular day to day planner. I ordered a Chai latte & vegemite toast.

I wouldn't usually blog about my whole day but today felt really nice. I enjoyed every moment even though it was just spent in the asian towns. It was last minute & simple. I love things simple. 

Thursday 26 January 2012

Chuck em on the barbie mayte!

My dad drove us to the city today & unfortunately, I didn't bring my camera :( I didn't think there was gnna be anything interesting there & I was going to shop but there were this street lined with unique car models & I'm not interested in cars but they were a beauty. I got a faded blue shirt & a modernised- vintage styled dress from Dotti. Usually on Australia day, my dad's side would gather at my grandparents place but everyone's out & about & I have Truong tonight :( I'm dreading the hours leading up to class. I always imagine the worst. We did a test last week & from what I've heard, we didn't do well & if no one did well then I certainly did awfully horrible. I just don't want sir to shout at the class & pick out specific people & humiliate them. I'm not a person that can handle someone shouting at me, I would probably start crying. The good news is, IT'S TINKY'S BIRTHDAY!

Hoping for the best but expecting the worst. 

Of course life is a bitch, if it was a slut, it would've been easy.

Wow, never noticed how depressing tumblr can get with all these girls talking about the typical, 'fake smiles' and 'how a guy did the wrong thing to the right girl' & all that shit. LOL. Not gonna say anymore becos it would just be silly.

Tattoo packs at Coles for $1 :D

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Why do people say “grow some balls”? Balls are weak and sensitive! If you really wanna get tough, grow a Vagina! Those things take a pounding!
                                                             - Betty White

Tuesday 24 January 2012


It makes me laugh thinking about what I used to make scenarios of when I was a little child. I think since I was in Year 1 or so, I've always wanted to live close to a waterfall. One of those deserted ones where everything is so simple yet so enticing; & you can just swim whenever you want, through the tranquil, aqua water. I remember during primary school, I would have a wild imagination, just like any kid. I wanted to be a "Jungle Girl". Living in the jungle, having the waterfall as her home with no friends, but creatures of all sorts; butterflies, reptiles, monkeys, zebras (LOL Zebras in a jungle). I would survive on tropical fruits & berries, catch fish with my magical fishing rod and make a fire. Whenever it was drawing or art time in school, I would always use different coloured utensils and material to create the perfect waterfall jungle. That was my dream. I wish my carefree scenario-making followed me to high school. Now I'm just making pointless scenarios.

Sunday 22 January 2012

Your lack of originality boils my blood.

I'm just so angry everyday because of you. Taking hobbies, characteristics & style from people, fusing it & making it your fake personality just drives me bonkers. You're fucking lucky to be different so don't change.

Saturday 21 January 2012

Shop til you drop.

Yesterday, Anmol rocked up at my place in the morning so we could head off to shop at Parra. I haven't seen her for weeks! Since our graduation. We decided to, 'open our minds' and browse in stores that didn't seem legit or stores that we wouldn't normally go in. At the end of the day I purchased a few pens from Typo, a blood orange scallop rimmed shirt & an aqua mullet skirt from Glassons. Even though Anmol didn't buy much, the ruler gun she got from Typo made her day :L We shopped for nearly 6 hours!

Vietnamese New Year is in less than 2 days and I was thinking of getting a haircut. O:
But no..I was just thinking of getting a bang or something but I decided to leave it till Autumn or Winter since I will sweat a lot this Summer & I don't want pimples on my forehead. Haven't even gotten Back 2 School shopping yet & saved my school skirts for tomorrow to buy.
Towards the end on my holidays, they get pretty dull so I'll think of something interesting to blog about.
Enjoy your C/VNY! & by enjoy I mean, enjoy getting a lotta $$. 

Thursday 19 January 2012

tin sos can

I feel bleh again. I studied hard for this test & I know I did extremely bad becos I left out more than half of it. Hoping for the best but I really don't want to move down. I look at the first question and then BAM. Mindblank for the whole 25mins doing the test. Then right after I hand it in, everything just pops up. Eugh what's wrong with me.

Wednesday 18 January 2012


I really want this done one day, or do this on someone. 

One of the best feelings

When I'm shopping with the girls and one of them would be like, 'JOANNE! This is so you!' & hold out a piece of clothing for me to try on. Or when a friend asks me for decorative/artistic tips, I feel ..idk the word. But it's a good feeling.

Monday 16 January 2012


Attempting to draw the Marouders Map! It's tricky & has so much detail into it but I'm determined after watching HP & the Prisoner of Azkaban yet again.

The Hunger Games

It's currently 1:18am & I'm munching on my midnight snack of a toasted tuna sandwich. Ahhhh so hungry idk why. Since Sandra is awake with me, we decided to make an eating game in case we get hungry past bedtime. The 'hunger game' isn't finalised yet but it will be so fulfilling!

Sunday 15 January 2012

Pitter Patter

I'm sure it's clear that I yet again have failed to complete a blog challenge. But bleh. I can feel the stress building up now since us Truongers have an exam on Thursday. Since tutor started last week, it no longer feels like the holidays anymore.

One of the best feelings for me is when it rains. Heavily. Like nearly everyone, I love the sound but unusually, I hop up over my couch facing the window & peek outside to see if I can catch a worm squirming across the footpath to the garden. Sometimes I would just sit in the entertainment room wrapped around in my knitted blanket enjoying the cliche hot chocolate. Today was very unproductive & it started to pour so I sat by the window & used the graphite sticks I bought from this cheap bookstore in the city. The sketch looked rough & my stroke marks had to be eased so I watercoloured it, which is really fun even if  you're sucky at painting! Love painting on rainy days.

Tuesday 10 January 2012

The only food cockroaches won't eat are cucumbers.

I was bored the other night so I decided to make this bracelet. There wasn't an extra J so I had to settle with this.
Mable, Anmol, Durga, Jacinda, Emily, Laura.

Today, Emily rocked up at 7:30am & woke me up :L She bought bagfuls of scrapbooking utensils along for some random reason but she let me keep it so I'm more than happy :) My mum drove us & my sisters to Cabra library to 'study'. We worked for a while, then admitted we can't work when we're hungry just like how you can't sleep when you're hungry so we went to get Cheese & Bacons. Came back, worked for another hour then headed to Yumcha at Fortune 8. Oh yeah we saw Laura & her sisters so we chilled with them for a bit. After that, headed back to library where we met Michelle & some Year 12 MF guys. One of them was Vincent Tran & I just admire his consistency, hardworking & motivation towards his education. He goes to the library everyday I heard & this year, I will try to do the same as soon as school starts. I still have an annoying blocked nose & cough spasms here and there.

I'm so excited for tomorrow :)

Sunday 8 January 2012

The most expensive photograph is $2,900,000.

For a while now, I've been looking at different photography blogs and groups on facebook & came across one that stood out from the rest. Her name is Kiara Rose. She's my inspiration, even though she's two years younger than me. Her photographs just bring out those little details in life. She captures it so amazingly and isn't overphotoshopped. Her photos are the epitome of creativity and I'm just so in love with her photography. What makes them even more special is that, she gives a little description of the photo. The ideas are complex but her words are simple. The description is the verbal representation of the photograph. Whenever there's a moment you can't explain, she captures those moments. For years, I've always wanted to produce photos like that but it's taking a long time to save up for an amazing Canon. I know it's not the camera that makes you a photographer but I really want a better camera to excel at my only talent. 

The biggest tapeworm ever found inside the human body was 35 metres long.


So if you know me well enough, I love(d) the aquarium. Whenever I'm having a bad day or just of of the blue I would just want to go to the aquarium. Yesterday, I finally went with my sisters & everything was great until I realised my favourite bit of the aquarium was taken out. But before I get to that, let's rewind. 

When we first entered, on display was the 'boring' fish like ordinary fishes you see randomly at places. I like turtles so I spent forever trying to get a good photo but it was too dark in there & I didn't want to use my flash to hurt it's eyes, so I aimed to take a shot while another person took it but with his flash. Efficient! 
It's changed so much! Before or every section, they have these amazing statues built of entirely Lego blocks. It was pretty cool. After the jellyfish, octopus (I used to think the plural for octopus was octopussies LOL) & penguins, we entered the underwater tunnels, which is probably the main highlight of the underwater journey. I love the atmosphere in there, especially how the ripples on the surface of the water shine through the glass and makes it's reflection on the floor. I tried to photograph Dory but those fishies know when you bring out your camera and just rapidly swim away. I don't blame them, I would do the same thing. I think I kinda rushed through just to see the final bit, my favourite section. 
They had a huge display of a tank filled with sea creatures; jellyfish, dory, sharks, hammerhead sharks, dugongs, dolphins, etc. It was mystically dark. The atmosphere was just delightful to me. They also played this classical piece, which complemented the movement of the creatures. They had a few block seats if you just wanted to sit and watch. I would pay just for that. Even though it doesn't seem like much, it was so simple and I like simple things. If you don't know the music I'm talking about, here's the link to it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISSk4yGGZds

I think after going to the aquarium, I felt more sympathy, guilt & concern than joyful and fascination. It's because all these creatures are trapped in these tanks, too small. Yeah, it fits everything but they need so much room to swim and submerge around just like us. I remember seeing the octopus just sucking onto the tiny glass. It has nothing else to do except fascinate children from it's boredom of it's suckulent tentacles. Imagine if you were just suspended in a glass just walking around, until you die. The aquarium isn't what it was and it doesn't make me happy anymore. 

Friday 6 January 2012

Hummingbirds can't walk.

My dad returned from his Vietnam adventure today! I'm so happy and relieved to have him back. Since he works in the city & hasn't been there in 2 weeks, he misses it so he's taking us there tomorrow. I asked if we could go to the aquarium & I think he already purchased the online tickets. You save so much money buying it online rather than upfront. Since 2010, I've always had the biggest desire to visit the aquarium. I don't know how many times I've said,'I just want to go to the aquarium', but it's about time I did. Hopefully tomorrow's plans won't be wrecked.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Every continent's name end with the same letter with which they start.

Today was unexpectedly fun. It was spectacular! I woke up early to make the trifles & Mable, Jacinda & Emily arrived one by one. I think everyone didn't expect it to be this great but despite the burning weather, we made it amusing. We literally had the whole park to ourselves, which was surprising. It was so hot that hardly anyone else came so it was just us. With our water guns, we soaked the kids area, especially the see-saw. I think that was the main highlight of my day. We were all carefree. Me & Zane sat on one side with Tyrone & Mableh balancing out the other. Tyrone & Emily just wobbled side to side between us. It got really vigorous and out asses were rebounding off the seats due to the inertia. Out of nowhere, the waterbusters; Jacinda, Atharva & Frank came out of nowhere bursting cold water at us. It was a complete soaking frenzy. We switched positions & were all eventually marinated in sweat and water. 
Cooking the BBQ food was a pain! Extreme heat from sun plus the scorching heat from the barbie, but it was fun. The guys were kicking the footy around, played a teensy bit of Gridiron and saw the biggest lizard yet! Turns out it was really afraid of us, even Nala (Laura's dog). 
We decided to head back to my place, where we battled it out on Just Dance 3. It was hilarious, especially watching Zane & Laurence attempting to dance with their junk in the trunk. We ate leftover BBQ food & Jacinda's delicious classic chocolate cake! Watched HSM for a while and people were leaving after another. Had a really interesting talk with Laura, wanted to talk for longer but there will be a day for that (Girl's Day In). 
Worst thing was, I caught a cold. Idk how it was possible but it's the worst one ever. Watery eyes, blocked & runny nose, sore throat plus the exhaustion from today. Really needed a day like this. 

Tuesday 3 January 2012

American car horns beep in the tone of F.

1st of Jan - Stanwell Park Beach
2nd of Jan - Jamberoo, where you can't control the action because of the queues
3rd of Jan - Lasertag & Bowling with cousins & sisters
4th of Jan - Nerf Picnic
5th of Jan - Library
6th of Jan - Olympic Park/ Daddy's coming home!
24th of Jan - TARONGA ZOO! 

Continuing 12 day challenge soon. Not as much people as I expected coming to the picnic tomorrow :( I hope it'll still be fun. Received the bitchiest and most bullshit phone call last night but I'm not going to do anything about it because she's really not worth my time. Bleh my blogging is so out of style today but meh. Making berry trifle in a cup for tomorrow! PRETTY LITTLE LIARS OUT TOMORROW TOO! Bleh I'm worried about the short numbers for this picnic...

Sunday 1 January 2012

Here we go, 2012.


My NYE wasn't really the start I had in mind for 2012 but not everything can be smiles and rainbows. Had a BBQ at Dad's side, then went to uncle's then finally hurried home to drag our mattresses & dance, jumping on them like maniacs to the music videos on channel 9. It was really fun at times & at times we just tired out and sat down, singing to Adele's songs. Everything was great, I was excited. Then when I logged onto msn, things changed. I know I overreacted but idk...let's just say I missed out on having a spectacular time tonight. Talking to Dougie made me feel better. I have no New Year resolutions because they don't come true. It's like getting a new book and writing extremely neat in it for a few weeks then turns into a scribbly doodle book. Anyway I hope all of you have a lovely New Year, go hard out and party.

2012 is going to be better.
 I hope the world ends and the human race is eliminated.