Tuesday 24 January 2012


It makes me laugh thinking about what I used to make scenarios of when I was a little child. I think since I was in Year 1 or so, I've always wanted to live close to a waterfall. One of those deserted ones where everything is so simple yet so enticing; & you can just swim whenever you want, through the tranquil, aqua water. I remember during primary school, I would have a wild imagination, just like any kid. I wanted to be a "Jungle Girl". Living in the jungle, having the waterfall as her home with no friends, but creatures of all sorts; butterflies, reptiles, monkeys, zebras (LOL Zebras in a jungle). I would survive on tropical fruits & berries, catch fish with my magical fishing rod and make a fire. Whenever it was drawing or art time in school, I would always use different coloured utensils and material to create the perfect waterfall jungle. That was my dream. I wish my carefree scenario-making followed me to high school. Now I'm just making pointless scenarios.

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