Tuesday 31 January 2012

The start of something new; Senior Year

^ HSM reference lol.
First days of school are really exciting up to the point when you finished reading your timetable. Everyone looked so good in their senior uniform! Sophistication +1 but immaturity remains the same :L The day was hot and seemed like it dragged on. There were moments throughout the day where I really missed my slut. Usually when a slut joke was pulled, or something a dirty minded person would laugh to came up, we would turn towards each other & just laugh. I just really miss her. Anyway my day wasn't exciting, I just really like my English class table. There's something that we got asked in English with Moller today but I'll leave that till later when it's complete in my head..if you get me. This blog took me like 2 hours to type up (idk why) & now I'm all smiley & silly and I feel weird LOL. Okay bye!

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